Steep This!
Loose leaf tea company branding and packaging
The main sources of inspiration for the brand's core values and messaging were the U.S. civil rights movements of the '60s and '70s, and their themes of solidarity, strength, empowerment, conviction, and the act of defending one's beliefs at all costs.
Target Audience
A younger, more discerning crowd of both tea drinkers and those who wish to explore tea, but haven't yet. They're disenfranchised with the current state of tea marketing, and have no brand loyalty. They want to belong to a tea scene for like-minded individuals, but don't find themselves aligning with any of the current demographics, and are often dismayed by the negative stigmas surrounding tea.
They're liberal, medium to medium-high income, and environmentally conscious. They're leaders, not followers.
Steep This! wants to be the one brand their target audience can fall in love with based on relatable values and benefits.
Boldness and a core value strength, while still maintaining a semblance of fun, energetic, youthful whimsy. Artists such as Saul Bass, Paul Rand, and Steve Ditko (co-founder of Marvel Comics) were all worthy inspiration sources.
Published in:
Thumbnail sketches
Refined sketches
Of all concepts explored through the sketch phase, this character-based design emerged as the top contender. It is fun and energetic, and alludes to the solidarity Power Fist icon of the '60s without being too literal or militaristic.
The characters clutch chain infusers, and with fists raised triumphantly overhead, shout the Steep This! call to action.
The male character was based slightly on James Dean, while the female counterpart is inspired by Jane Fonda's mug shot (complete with era-appropriate Shag haircut) from one of the client-provided inspiration photos.
Logo system
Steep This! main logo
Steep This! alternate logo
Steep This! secondary marks
Steep This! secondary marks
Steep This! main logo detail
Steep This! main and alternate logos, one-color
Steep This! secondary marks
Examples of branding usage
Steep This! stationery suite
Steep This! stationery suite
Steep This! stationery suite detail
Steep This! stationery suite
Steep This! stationery suite
Steep This! stationery suite
Steep This! business cards
Steep This! stationery suite detail
Steep This! packaging icons
Steep This! packaging icons detail
Steep This! coasters
Steep This! packaging labels
Steep This! packaging labels
Steep This! packaging labels detail
What do you think?
atomicvibe would love to know your thoughts on this project!